Dr. Erin Walker
Dr. Erin Walker

Associate Professor

Email: eawalker@pitt.edu
Office: 5409 Sennott Square
Telephone:  412-624-9590
Website: https://erinwalker.owlstown.net/

Dr. Walker joined our Department in January 2019 as an Associate Professor with a joint appointment as a Research Scientist in the Learning Research and Development Center.

From January 2013 – August 2018, she was an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, one of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. Prior to that, she was a Computing Innovations Postdoctoral Fellow at Arizona State University with Win Burleson. She completed her PhD in 2010 at Carnegie Mellon University in Human-Computer Interaction, under the supervision of Ken Koedinger and Nikol Rummel. My undergraduate degree is a B.Sc. (Honors) from the University of Manitoba in 2004 in both Computer Science and Psychology.

Research Interests

Her research uses interdisciplinary methods to improve the design and implementation of educational technology, and then to understand when and why it is effective. Broadly, she is interested in research in intelligent tutoring systems, computer-supported collaboration, robotic learning environments, technology for the developing world, and human-computer interaction.