Assistant Professor

Office: 5403 Sennott Square

Dr. Malihe Alikhani is an assistant professor of computer science in the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh. She got her PhD in computer science and a graduate certificate in cognitive science from Rutgers University. She was the recipient of the fellowship award for excellence in computation and data sciences from the Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute in 2018. Before joining Rutgers, she was a lecturer and an adjunct professor of mathematics and statistics for a year at San Diego State University and San Diego Mesa College. She has served as a member of the program committee of ACL, NAACL, EMNLP, AAAI, NeurIPS, ICRL, ICMI, and INGL and is currently the associate editor of the Mental Note Journal.

Research Interests

Her primary research interests are in the fields of Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science with broader interests in Computational Social Sciences. Her recent work has focused on understanding the structure of multimodal communication when language is combined with spatial representations, such as gestures and pointing in face-to-face conversations and illustrations in written communication.